Loch nan Uamh is a sea loch and offshoot of the Sound of Arisaig between Arisaig and the peninsula of Ardnish, on the Lochaber coast. Prince Charles Edward Stewart landed here in August 1745 at the beginning or his attempt to retrieve the British crowns, and it was from here that he left Scotland for ever in September 1746; the Prince’s Cairn, on the north coast of the Loch, marks the spot. In 1746 there was a naval battle in the loch when two French ships with supplies for the Jacobites were intercepted by Royal Navy frigates. The French escaped and gold they were carrying is said to have been carried inland to Loch Arkaig where it still lies hidden.
Whittle Ancestry, Glasgow, Scotland
This evening, I am posting information on Whittle family history as sourced
from a memorial at Eastwood New Cemetery. This records the deaths of:
- Ro...
3 minutes ago
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